UCELIA is proud to announce the obtaining of several prestigious certifications which confirms our engagement towards quality, durability and security. The ISO 14000, ISO 45000 certifications, as well as the NADCAP for the thermic treatment and the non-destructive controls, are major steps in our journey to excellence.
ISO 14000: a strong commitment for environment
The ISO 14000 certification involves an environmental management. It confirms the engagement to minimize our environmental impact and to adopt sustainable practices. ISO 14000 helps us identify, manage and reduce the environmental impact of our operations. It includes the management of resources, reduction of waste and prevention of pollution. This certification guarantees that we respect every environmental regulation in effect, thus reinforcing our partners and client’s trust.
ISO 45000: health and security at work
The ISO 45000 certification concerns health and security management at work. It ensures the setting up of effective systems to protect our employees and improve their well-being. ISO 45000 helps us prevent accidents and professional illnesses by establishing rigorous security protocols and favorize a proactive security culture.
NADCAP – thermal treatment: a guaranteed quality for our process
The NADCAP certification (National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program) for thermal treatment is a recognition of the quality and reliability of our thermal process. This certification testifies that our thermal treatment process answers the strictest norms of the aerospace and defense industry.
NADCAP – Non-destructive controls
The NADCAP certification for the non-destructive trials (NDT) is another guarantee of the quality and reliability of our inspections and trials. Thanks to this certification, our clients can have a total trust in the reliability and quality of our products and services.
At UCELIA, we believe that excellence doesn’t stop with our products but also includes our environmental impact, the security of our employees and our clients’ trust. These certifications strengthen our engagement towards those essential values.