On November 26, 2024, the newspaper "La Tribune" granted us an article on our mobilization to attract new talents. Thanks to this mobilization and our internal training, we hired 40 new employees this year.
An employment area under pressure
With 5% of unemployment in the region, it is difficult to recruit. Thanks to our training school created in 2017, nine core makers will be trained in January 2025. With training in the positions of molder, core maker, and remolder, employees can work in several positions depending on the needs.
Housing and mobility
Thanks to the various agreements concluded with the municipality, the community of municipalities, and Action Logement, we can find housing quickly for our interns and new employees from other regions.
A supply chain in difficulty
Our goal is to gain competitiveness through a 3-year investment plan. We have invested in new equipment to increase productivity and begin decarbonization.
Following the Boeing strike that caused the supply chain to come to a halt, there have been difficulties in getting back up and running. It will take a year to recover.
Aéronautique : Ucelia, ce sous-traitant corrézien qui défie la pénurie de main-d’œuvre